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About Menu Order Now Careers Sip Into Spring with Teapioca Lounge!​ Winter was fun, but oh how we’ve missed the sun! Enjoy warmer weather and a sip of spring with Teapioca Lounge. Check out our featured drinks, at your local Teapioca today! Butterfly Pea Herbal Tea This caffeine-free tea is made from the butterfly pea …

March 2024 Read More »

About Menu Order Now Careers Share the Love with Teapioca Lounge Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie Celebrate love with an irresistible Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie, a perfect Valetine’s Day treat! This delicious blend combines chocolate and strawberries, for a velvety sweet concoction. Whether shared with a loved one or enjoyed solo, the Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie is a delightful …

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Jan 2024 Customer Newsletter About Menu Order Now Careers Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with Enchanting Flavors at Teapioca Lounge ​:  Step into the enchantment of the Lunar New Year 2024, as the majestic Year of the Dragon graces us with its powerful presence! Join us at Teapioca Lounge as we embark on a …

February 2024 Read More »

Thai black tea is a black tea that is produced in Thailand. It is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, the same plant used to produce black teas in other parts of the world. Thai black tea is often used as the base for making traditional Thai iced tea, a popular beverage …

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Pu’erh tea, also spelled as pu-erh or puer, is a type of fermented tea produced primarily in the Yunnan province of China. It is named after the city of Pu’erh, which was historically a trading hub for tea from surrounding regions. Pu’erh tea undergoes a unique fermentation process that distinguishes it from other teas. The …

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Wang Zi Hong black tea is a type of Boba Blossom, or flowering tea. In Chinese, ‘Wan Zi Qian Hong’ translates to “thousand of red and ten thousands of purple,” referring to the vibrant, colorful scenery found in the blossoming spring. Carnation flowers are skillfully hand-tied within black tea leaves to create a bulb. When …

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Orange osmanthus green tea is a type of Boba Blossom, or flowering tea. Green tea leaves are hand-tied with dried lily and orange osmanthus flowers, creating a semi-sweet, citrus flavor. When steeped in hot water, the orange osmanthus bulb slowly unfurls, releasing the flavors and fragrances of the ingredients within. The result is not only …

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Eternity green tea is a type of Boba Blossom, or flowering tea. Each bulb is handcrafted by skillfully binding green tea with a blend of jasmine flower and lily flower. When steeped in hot water, the bundle slowly unfurls, revealing the flowers within and creating a blossom. Recommended brewing instructions: 1 bulb 195°F water Steep …

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Christmas tree green tea is a type of Boba Blossom, or flowering tea, which is made by hand-tying green tea leaves, chrysanthemum, and amaranth flowers together into a compact bundle. When steeped in hot water, the bundle unfurls, resembling a Christmas tree. Recommended brewing instructions: 1 bulb 195°F water Steep until bulb fully blossoms