
About Menu Order Now Careers Sip Into Spring with Teapioca Lounge!​ Winter was fun, but oh how we’ve missed the sun! Enjoy warmer weather and a sip of spring with Teapioca Lounge. Check out our featured drinks, at your local Teapioca today! Butterfly Pea Herbal Tea This caffeine-free tea is made from the butterfly pea …

March 2024 Read More »

About Menu Order Now Careers Share the Love with Teapioca Lounge Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie Celebrate love with an irresistible Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie, a perfect Valetine’s Day treat! This delicious blend combines chocolate and strawberries, for a velvety sweet concoction. Whether shared with a loved one or enjoyed solo, the Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie is a delightful …

Valentines Newsletter Read More »

Jan 2024 Customer Newsletter About Menu Order Now Careers Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with Enchanting Flavors at Teapioca Lounge ​:  Step into the enchantment of the Lunar New Year 2024, as the majestic Year of the Dragon graces us with its powerful presence! Join us at Teapioca Lounge as we embark on a …

February 2024 Read More »

About Menu Order Now Careers Revitalize Your Year ​: Embrace 2024 with a Cup of Wellness LEMON MINT SENCHA GREEN TEA Dear Customers, ​ Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you well, full of positivity, and ready for a year filled with delightful moments. At Teapioca Lounge, we’re excited to kick off 2024 …

January 2024 Read More »

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